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How to Find Outdoor Lighting Fixtures That Stand Up to Time

Outdoor lighting fixtures come in all shapes and styles. They also are made with many different types of materials. Here’s how to find the right fixtures for your home that will stand up to time so that you can get the most out of your investment.

Do You Have High Precipitation Levels?

If you see a lot of wind, rain, and snow over the year, then a non-corrosive metal fixture is the best option for you. It will withstand the punishment of the precipitation and resist the tarnishing and rust that corrosive metals leave. Although hail will cause pitting and corrosion, overall these fixtures stand up to high moisture environments the best.

Do You Get a Lot of Sunlight?

High sun areas for an outdoor fixture can be just as damaging as high levels of precipitation. Look for fixtures that have an exterior quality paint on them, whether plastic or metal, to increase the quality received. Plated fixtures are also suitable for high sunlight areas.

How Easy Is It To Install?

It isn’t difficult to install most fixtures as long as they work with the box that is already in place. Make sure there isn’t power to the fixture before beginning the installation process to stay safe. That may mean turn off your main power. Then follow the installation instructions provided.

An outdoor lighting fixtures gives the exterior of your home the perfect look that you’ll love seeing every day. Select the right one based on these tips, install it safely, and you’ll have the light you need at night.

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